New Roadside Unit Installation
Please complete this form only if you have just fitted a new Roadside Unit (if you are re-installing then simply email us instead). It is important for safety reasons that units are not registered until they are installed. You must be the Community Speedwatch (CSW) coordinator recognised by the police force / local authority. Once registered we will activate, update, and configure your new unit, and let you know.
CSW scheme name should use letters, spaces and any of -,.\'
Should be valid Roadside Unit serial; 8 alphanumerics long, capitalised.
Should be a valid location; alphanumerics or .,-()[] with leading capital
Should be valid location detail; alphanumerics or .,-()[] with leading capital
Please give the latitude and longtitude of the unit in decimal format "Nxx.xxxxxx Wxxx.xxxxxx" or " xx.xxxxxx, xxx.xxxxxx" or simply zoom in and right-click on map
Please give the name of your parish council using letters, spaces, and any of [.,'-]
Your Contact Details
Should contain letters or any of [' .-], and have a leading capital
Address needs to be between 4 and 50 long; alphanumerics or any of ' .-
Leading capital. Should be between 2 and 30 letters. Can contain .'-! or space
Leading capital. Should be between 2 and 30 letters. Can contain .'-! or space
Postcode should contain letters and digits UK postcode format
Username should contain alphanumerics or _-
Telephone number should contain digits or + or space, can be left blank
Invalid email address
Please read our terms and conditions, and our privacy policy. By registering your device you confirm that you are the above mentioned community speedwatch coordinator and grant your consent for the storage and use of the above personal information for the purposes described in the AutoSpeedWatch privacy policy, and agree to the AutoSpeedwatch terms and conditions. You also consent to Autospeedwatch Limited passing your contact details to the local Police/Authority as CSW coordinator.

I confirm I have read and agree to the above and the privacy policy and terms and conditions (tick box)

I confirm that a Privacy Impact Assessment has been completed for this Roadside Unit installation